IMPORTANT: Since the passing of Dr. Steel, this website has been converted to a "legacy" site. All of the materials will still be here, live, for as long as the Lord continues to allow.
Yes, you most certainly can!
...You Can Learn God's WordComing Soon - Biblical Minute! Available Now: Free Materials & Recommendations A Few Recent Studies Our Standing True Podcast Other More Advanced Studies Bible Conferences in Your School or Church |
![]() Our whole new Biblical Minute site will be live soon! In it we feature a whole new way to stimulate your mediation on the Word of God without bogging you down! On this site you'll encounter one minute, five minute, and ten minute challenges tailored to your personal interest! Learn more about our novel approach soon! |

Can You Differentiate?
The biblical gospel is singularly, the most important subject a man can consider. God is very serious about the gospel and He issues some of His scariest warnings to those who would pervert it or restate it. Even so, very few who call themselves Christians understand its basics. Even fewer have an idea how it is being corrupted today. We invite you to watch two very short videos, one on how the gospel of God’s grace is corrupted, and the other, on how to make that gospel clear. It’s worth every second of your time!
See the short video: Part 1 The Clear Gospel Corrupted
See the short video: Part 2 The Clear Gospel Clarified
The biblical gospel is singularly, the most important subject a man can consider. God is very serious about the gospel and He issues some of His scariest warnings to those who would pervert it or restate it. Even so, very few who call themselves Christians understand its basics. Even fewer have an idea how it is being corrupted today. We invite you to watch two very short videos, one on how the gospel of God’s grace is corrupted, and the other, on how to make that gospel clear. It’s worth every second of your time!
See the short video: Part 1 The Clear Gospel Corrupted
See the short video: Part 2 The Clear Gospel Clarified
...You Can Defend God's Word

The Bible Project Exposed
Learn to recognize serious doctrinal error carefully encapsulated in a Biblical context.
If you are familiar with the Bible Project in any way, you would do well to fortify yourself and your family with this new doctrinal attack on our families and churches, courtesy of the backdrop of Ancient Near East Religion and paganism.
![]() Currently Featured Materials Reaching Out Socially - Let's Fix This! Read a short paragraph on the 10/90 Principle here. Our Latest Biblical Intensives Blog Entry Five Things About Men and Their Systems |
![]() Learn About The New Ecumenism Video Series
When you're ready to take a serious look at what ecumenism is really about this video series will lead you down path from Satan's original declarations, through the age of paganism and philosophy and right up to where we are now. We do this through a series of short, fast moving videos. It's time we really understand our enemy! Learn about the 10/90 Principle and open your mind to our urgent need for more instruction in biblical discernment!
...You Can Extend God's Word
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Feed my lambs....Feed my sheep!
How this ministry came into being.
• After serving several decades as a church planter, pastor, and missions administrator, Jim Steel devoted ten years as an administrator and instructor in a Bible Institute.
• That ministry, in turn, led to Jim's Bible Conference (Biblical Intensives) ministry. As this outreach grew, Jim posted his materials (studies, books, videos, etc.) on the web for easy access.
• This web ministry, in turn, opened new doors for an entirely different kind of one-on-one ministry focused on fellowship and encouragement. A great deal of Jim's daily activity is devoted to providing encouragement, guidance, and prayer support for folks who have limited or no access to a God-ordained local church or pastor. Feel free to contact Jim any time - even if it's just for a chat. :) You can email or call Jim most any time.
• After serving several decades as a church planter, pastor, and missions administrator, Jim Steel devoted ten years as an administrator and instructor in a Bible Institute.
• That ministry, in turn, led to Jim's Bible Conference (Biblical Intensives) ministry. As this outreach grew, Jim posted his materials (studies, books, videos, etc.) on the web for easy access.
• This web ministry, in turn, opened new doors for an entirely different kind of one-on-one ministry focused on fellowship and encouragement. A great deal of Jim's daily activity is devoted to providing encouragement, guidance, and prayer support for folks who have limited or no access to a God-ordained local church or pastor. Feel free to contact Jim any time - even if it's just for a chat. :) You can email or call Jim most any time.
Did you know that Jim has produced over 100 online videos? Visit him at